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Ampneys Gardening Club

Ampneys Gardening Club

Our next Club meeting is on Thursday 15 February 2024 with a talk by Julie Richie titled ‘Cut and Come Again’. To be held in the Village Hall with tea & coffee served from 7pm, the meeting starts at 7.30. All are welcome.

A date for your diaries – 21 March 2024 This will be our annual AGM with reports from the Chair and Treasurer. Our Programme Secretary, Jackie Gluning, will also advise everyone of the programme of talks and trips planned for the year.   After the formal meeting, we will then enjoy some refreshments together with a short quiz.

The meeting is also the opportunity to renew your membership for 2024/25 with the annual fee remaining at £12. If anyone is interested in joining the Club, this is the ideal opportunity to come along to the meeting and meet everyone in a relaxed atmosphere.


Contact details:  Barbara Fullick (Chair) 07960 113752 Email:  or Doug Benham (Treasurer) 07920 010372 Email: